Fuzes for bombs and rockets as well as safety and arming devices for rockets, torpedoes and complex weapon systems

Maximum application flexibility
with extended flight duration
JUNGHANS Defence develops and produces state-of-the-art fuzes for air-to-surface weapons and aircraft bombs on combat aircraft. Our FBM21 bomb fuze, which has already been delivered to various modern air forces, provides the highest safety standards and excellent reliability. The FBM21 is a fully electronic multi-option bomb fuze for use in general purpose and penetration bombs with or without steering systems. Thanks to programming during the flight and extended flight duration, the fuze offers extended operational flexibility and thus an incomparable ability to combat hard infrastructure targets.
The FBM21 is a fully electronic bomb fuze, which implements an in-line fuze chain with an EFI detonator (exploding foil initiator) and in a further expansion stage with a LEEFI detonator (low energy exploding foil initiator).

JUNGHANS Defence develops and produces fuzes for shoulder-launched weapons systems as well as air-to-surface rockets for combat helicopters. These fuzes meet all operational functional requirements for the modern battlefield and are compatible with the latest version of STANAG 4187.
Safety and arming devices and fuze systems for missiles and complex weapon systems
JUNGHANS Defence is able to offer solutions for safety and arming devices and technologies that meet the specific requirements of strategic partners in terms of functionality, safety, production volume and price. We have mastered all the technologies in the core areas, both for solutions with conventional safety and arming devices and modern, fully electronic in-line safety and arming devices.
JUNGHANS Defence had fully mastered electronic safety and arming device solutions based on EFI technologies even as far back the early 1990s.
We are involved in major missile programs in Europe for the activation of rocket and torpedo warheads. With the latest developments in LEEFI technology, in-line solutions can be used in new generations of weapons, small missiles or controlled and complex weapons as safety and arming devices in warheads as well as for drive ignition.
Product overview
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